yoga soup
i have a new book, it's called yogacures, and again with my whole mission with yoga and food and everything is simple bite sizes things thatanybody can do. it's an a to z guide from everything from anxiety todepression to getting over hangovers to gettingoff the couch to feeling better for
yoga soup, your whole life. the first part of thebook is really cool gets into all the geeky science stuff that actually explains how yoga works in your body so what'shappening in your brain, on a neurological level, on a physiologicallevel, on a cellular level,
which is really interesting. i meanscience it's still limited but the cool thing is with science if you say, okaysome science guy at harvard said that this works for you, then i know thepeople i'm talking to, at least back all in my hometown is ok... so you can experience it for yourself andrealize that yoga can not only cure, but prevent things andalso keep you healthy for your entire life. so how can yoga cure? which isreally interesting when you start to sensitize yourself your your body yourmind all this connection there's this really corner cut the vegas nerve thatstarts in your brain cell literally
wanders throughout your entire body inlike zaps and fixes things that are going wrong.when you practice things like meditation and and eating well and all this stuff,our bodies are are designed to keep us healthy for ourentire lives and we kinda forget that sometimes, so theidea yoga curing you it's it's also prevention, its curing, it's you know when when somethinghappens that doesn't get cured for whatever reason it's making you be able to have a little bit more graceand ease with your life and be able to
go with the flow in a nicer way ok, so top 3 tips for anyone starting is to i would say numberone do something right now so it doesn't have to be like you're going to sign up for a membershipat a yoga studio, you can literally get up in bed in the morning close your eyes for five minutes breathedeeply and that's gonna change your day number two start one cool food thingthat you liking you really love in your
inspired by so for me it was juicing. i didn't like realize how much crazyenergy you can get from juicing, so i started that in the morning and that snowballed my entire day inlife i wanted less coffee less sugar, all of that. and the third one is really havepatience with yourself and to not worry about being perfect every singleday and and that life is a process and and it doesn't matter if you slip up andhave a piece a chocolate or what you know it it's a mind set on youyou want to enjoy your life and not just
be perfect. so, enjoy your life.
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