asheville school of massage and yoga

sit on heels, shin against floor, form tight fists with hands, put down fists at abdominal surface and thigh inhale, stretch body, exhale, bend down, forehead against floor, move fist in circular motion, inhale deeply, exhale long stimulate functions of intestines, continue for 30 to 40 seconds, pull in stomach, inhale, lift up head sit with straight back, you can move fist in circular motion in any direction, rest, heels against hips, bend down lift up body, stretch legs, relax, bend up knee, right leg over left leg, lift left arm, inhale

asheville school of massage and yoga, twist body, left elbow on right thigh, left hand against floor, lower down left hand to floor, stretch body, inhale, pull in stomach, twist body straighten right leg, bend up left knee, left leg over right leg, stretch up right arm, right elbow on left knee, right hand on floor lower down left hand, stretch up body, inhale, pull in stomach, twist to the back, stretch up a lot, exhale, twist keep twisting, straighten left leg, bend down body, hands on sides of feet, bend down


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