best free online yoga
our next pose will be forward fold. forwardfold looks easy but actually very challenging for most of us. you want to come to a pointwhere you are standing with your feet hip width apart - several inches apart, and theouter edges of your feet lined up with one another. so the big toes are a little bitcloser together than the inside of your heels. lifting your toes and spreading your toesto the soles of your feet on the floor. and
best free online yoga, then you can either keep your toes liftedfor this forward bend or you can sit them down to help keep your balance. making surethat the knees are not locked, so the legs are strong, the quadriceps is pulling up towardthe hips so if you lock the knees you lose the pull of the quadriceps toward the you want to make sure that your knees are
unlocked and you may even want to start withyour knees bent, either option is fine. and then, bringing your arms up overhead, andthen folding forward from the waist. again, you can do this with your knees bent, it lookslike this so it looks almost the same, but your knees are bent so it allows you to stretchthe back rather than the back and the hamstring at the same time. and once you’re in yourforward fold you can always clasp opposite elbows, or you can let the hands rest on thefloor, or you can lift your toes and step on the palms of your hands so that your toesare right at the wrist crease and from here if you can just release the head down so you’rerelaxed at the neck, and stay here for several breaths. when it’s time to come out of yourforward fold, bend your knees in and slowly
rolling up, coming up to stand.
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