best yoga videos

i’ve always sucked at yoga, i have likezero balance, but maybe i should give it another try. hey guys julia here for dnews over 20 million americans practice yoga. i’mpretty sure most of that’s just in the bay area.

best yoga videos, that figure comes from a study published inyoga journal. according to their survey the top reasons for starting yoga were: flexibility,general conditioning, stress relief, and to improve overall health and physical fitness. yoga is deeply rooted in hindu tradition,where a series of postures and breathing exercises

prepares the body for meditation and connectingwith the divine. there’s a lot more to yoga than striking a few poses. traditional yogais a whole spiritual practice with 8 parts including a code of ethical standards andstudying scriptures. only one of those parts, asana, involves poses.not surprisingly, yoga has been stripped down and repackaged to americans as a form of exercise.but apart from the cultural appropriation, yoga is actually pretty good for you. let’slook at what the science says. chronic pain can reduce or change grey matterin the brain which can lead to some serious problems like memory and emotional issues.but according to an official at the national institutes of health (nih), practicing yogahas the opposite effect on the brain.

so what does the brain look like on yoga? well study after study reportedly heraldsthe benefits of yoga. researchers from boston university school of medicine found that thepostures from yoga actually increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid or gabain the brain. gaba, a neurotransmitter, calms the nervous system and regulates muscle one study the researchers found that after just one hour of yoga, practitioners gabalevels increased by 27%. this increase in gaba levels could be responsiblefor decreasing anxiety and improving mood in those who practice yoga. another small study published in the journalof physical activity and health found that

after short, 20 minute sessions of hatha yogaparticipants performed better on tests of brain function. they could focus better, processinformation faster, and even learn more effectively than after a typical aerobic exercise likerunning on a treadmill. the researchers think that by focusing on the body, posture or breath,you push out any distracting thoughts and or reduce some stress, both of which couldincrease cognitive function. but it’s not just your brain that gets aboost. researchers from the us and the netherlandsfound that yoga could help those with cardiovascular disease. published in the european journalof preventive cardiology, the researchers reviewed 37 different studies. they foundthat yoga improves risk factors for heart

disease similar to the effects of typicalexercise. some studies showed that it lowered body weight, cholesterol and heart rate. otherresearchers think yoga can ease pain by enhancing both the toning of muscles and releasing ofmuscle tension. even sufferers of multiple sclerosis, or ms,a potentially debilitating autoimmune disease, that affects the brain and central nervoussystem found some relief from yoga. researchers from rutgers university conducted a smalltrial where ms patients participated in a 8 week long specialized yoga program. aftercompleting the program patients had better mental health, concentration, bladder control,walking, and vision, with a decrease in pain and fatigue.

there’s other studies that show it couldreduce inflammation, help with hypertension or those who live with pain from fibromyalgiaor arthritis. just know there’s a lot of research happening within the past five yearsand a lot of it’s positive. speaking of questionably trendy healthy fads…what’s the deal with kale? if you’re craving some kale.. watch this episode first… have you ever tried yoga? i did for a fewmonths. i have like no balance, so the instructor would call me out and tell me to go use thewall. so yeah. tell us your stories down in the comments below.


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