core power yoga boulder
my name is frankie romeo. i'm a soon-to-be graduate of virginiatech and certified personal trainer. i'm a kid at heart, so today i'd like to sharewith you a fun workout that involves a trip to the playground, a jump rope,and, preferably, a partner. let's get started. begin with the jump rope. a rope of optimal length should reachyour armpits when standing on its center. with hands at hip level and thumbs pointingout, begin rotating the rope and jump with both legs simultaneouslyas it approaches your feet.
next, monkey bars. nothing fancy here. depending on the height of the monkeybars, begin with your feet either on the ground or on an attached ladder. holding one bar in one hand andthe next bar with the other hand, control your momentum whileswinging from one bar to the next. don't rush yourself. if you find this difficult, bend your knees
and have a friend support your feetwhile you move from one bar to the next. this will challenge your grip strength,coordination, and core stability. assuming there are about 10bars, complete between four and six lengths, with rest in between. third are the inclined pushups. use the ladder from the monkey bars oranother bar between knee and chest height. while holding the bar firmly,obtain a push-up ready position. hands should be below your shoulders,legs should be straight and hips neutral, so that your backside forms a straight line.
perform push-ups by bending your armsand bringing your chest towards the bar. once your chest either touches or comes withinan inch of the bar, press against the bar to bring your body back tothe original position. this builds muscle in yourchest, triceps and shoulders. perform three sets of eight to 10 repetitions. note that the higher the bar, or greater theincline, the easier the push-ups will be. choose a bar height suitablefor your strength level. the fourth exercise is supine rows. these can be done with a singlebar at roughly hip height.
hang underneath the bar with legsstraight and heels on the ground. the position will look opposite tothe inclined push-up in that you are under the bar as opposed to above the bar. keep your hips extended to maintain a straightline with your body throughout the movement. with an overhand grip so thatyour palms face your feet, pull your body up until your chest eithertouches or comes within an inch of the bar. lower your body in a controlledmanner and repeat. if this is too difficult, bend your kneesand have your feet flat on the ground. you can also refer to partner-assisted chin-upsif a single bar at hip height is not available.
this will test your back, biceps,glutes and overall core stability. perform three sets of six to eight repetitions. lastly, hanging leg raises. just as they sound. hang onto monkey bars with each hand, andkeep your arms straight as you bend your knees and raise them towards your elbows. avoid momentum to isolate the muscles. this means try not to swing. too easy? keep your legs straight and bringyour feet towards your hands, but be careful.
too hard? perform reversecrunches on the ground instead. do so by lying on your back,holding a bar behind your head, and using your abdominal muscles to bendand pull your knees towards your chest. this exercise targets your abdomenand, once again, involves grip strength if you choose the hanging variation. perform three sets of five to 10 repetitions. this is a fun workout, but can be challenging. please stay safe, and i encouragetrying it with a friend. even if you are already committedto another workout regime,
it won't hurt to substitutethis in on a typical gym day.
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