dahn yoga
- one of the key posesthat we were working on in class today is calledthe ganda bherundasana. and it's a chin stand to a back bend where you're also balancing on the arms. when we come into thispose, it's often really hard
dahn yoga, to get into unless youuse blocks to start off. it would be a great wayto get into the pose for beginners or those that are working towards the pose.
setting your blocks up,shoulder- distance apart, and just making sure thatyou're safe in chaturanga on the blocks is going to make the pose a little more accessible for you. hands behind the blocks, short down dog, take a leg up, shift forward, keep your shoulder-heads lifted, shift forward and find the blocks, keep the leg lifted andthen lift the other leg.
maybe bend the knees. that's it: ganda bherundasana.
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