definition of yoga
if you’ve done yoga you’ll have heardpeople say namaste at the beginning or end of the class, maybe without knowing what itmeans. but it’s a really important and beautifulword so i want to just chat about what namaste means and why i love it so much. you’ll notice a theme in all of my videoson yoga and spirituality, which is that everything
definition of yoga, in the universe is one, or is the’re not part of the universe, you are the universe, the universe is within the same way, we say god is in everything and god is everything. and again, none ofthese ideas go against religion, they actually are a nice way to express your relationshipto god and to feel and explore your spirituality
more actively. this oneness and the idea thatthe divine exists in everything is at the core of yoga philosophy, and it’s the purposeof practicing yoga. actually the meaning of the word yoga is to unite- mind, body, soul,universe, everything is one. namaste captures all of the above in the formof a greeting, so when you use namaste to greet someone, you’re saying, the divinein me recognizes and appreciates the divine in you. i honor the light, love, beauty, andpeace that exists within you, because it also exists within me. in sharing these thingswe are the same and we are one. all that packed into one little word. i justthink it’s so beautiful and deserves a moment to pause and think about the meaning whenyou say it and reflect on it and feel it and
feel this beautiful connection to people aroundyou. so namaste, to all my wonderful viewers. thankyou for all your support, and for watching this video.
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