divine center of yoga

dr. pillai:>> human beings, with all of theirscientific and technological inventions, have only been able to use only 5% of our mentalpotential. the yogis from times immemorial, on the other hand, have been able to use 100%of the brain and also an intelligence that is non-physical, connecting the individualto the subtle bodies. it is with the help of the use of the subtle bodies beyond thephysical bodies that the yogis were able to accomplish super-normal feats, like miracles.the place to start with, the place to start the enhancement of our potential is from activatingthe dormant parts of the brain that are associated with super-normal powers. science and technologybelongs to primarily the neocortex area, particularly the frontal lobe. super-normal powers areassociated with the pituitary, the pineal

glands, along with the lower cerebellum. theyogic literature talks about these parts of the brain that play a crucial role in theactivation of super-consciousness, and super-intelligence. when the brain begins to function fully therewill be nothing hidden from our perception. currently, we are ignorant about our future,ignorant about the cure for cancer, hiv, etc., because of our brain’s inability to knoweverything. because of our brain’s inability to know everything. it’s all about trainingthe brain to know the unknown. once the unknown is brought to the known, then our knowledgewill be complete. it’s a matter of also vibrating with higher frequencies. currentlywe vibrate at 8 hertz, which is earth’s vibration. we need to go to the vibrationof the ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays.


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