hip yoga

see there is a hormonal problem ofthe hips getting fat in women. the hips getting fat! if they are increasing in size.. ..it means that you can get cardiacproblem at any point of time. first of all women don'tget cardiac problem.. ..its very less compared to men. if they do get then it causestoo much problem. it gets very tough for women. the reason of it is when yourhips will become fat..

..so strain comes on the heart! and that strain coming on theheart creates many problems. so to make the hips thinnerthe best kriya is.. ..power yoga. by this you will see a tremendouschange in yourself. you can do it by putting a weightof 1 kg in both you legs. make a bag of sand.. ..by doing that tieit on your legs.. ..and by leaning towardsthe right side..

..pull the left leg towards up at90 degree and bring it back.. ..then repeat it. then lean towards theright and repeat. bring the leg up,practise salavasana. right,left, practise it 10-20 times. 10 times salavasana. 10 times konasana. the leg will go at 90 degree.. ..10 times konasana.

with both the leg altogether,with a single leg, do it 10 times. after that.. ..pawanmuktasana kriya.. ..by that too the hips get lesser. and by putting weight in the leg.. ..you have to do the mudraof hasta sanchalan. both the knees towards theright side then left side. right side, left side. tie the weights..

..you yourself will feel.. ..that there is a tremendouschange in your weight!


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