hot yoga barre
- hi buzzfeed, welcome to up flying yoga. (upbeat music) (laughter and wooing) - i'm gonna fly out of here. - we are doing aerial yoga. - aerial yoga is something fairly new. we kinda created thislittle formula based on traditional yoga practices but hang upside down and usingthe fabric as a little prop
to help get deeper space for your spine, deeper space for your body, elongating muscles and buildingstrength at the same time. while playing, spinningaround and having some fun. - it's supposed to be peaceful maybe but i'm expecting some pain. - [voiceover] what doyou think is going to be the sorest part of your body tomorrow? - core.
- or my pride. - this is your fabric, it'smade for a thousand pounds so we're all good. ready? alright, shake out your fabric. we're going to lift up our toes. bring our hips out the side. we haven't stretched yet sothere aren't any expectations-- - (laughter)
- reach your hands up behind you pull up to stack your spine long and straight. - [kimberly] so you're completely immersed inside the fabric. (laughter, exertion) - [mikki] this is like being in a cocoon. - i feel like i need todo this every morning. - [kimberly] rock yourhips from side to side. - [cj] you're loosing me here coach.
(laughter) - [kimberly] yep, lie back, lie back. - oh. (general laughter) ok. that was pretty simple.- (laughter) - [kimberly] alright, i'm gonna go for a one-eighty inversion here. i'm gonna take my leg up each side, bring my feet around the front
and let my hands they touch the ground. - all the pressure'slike in m head (laughs). - i feel like spiderman, it's pretty cool. - we're going for sit-ups, right? - [cj] oh. what. - [kimberly] exhale, reachyour head to your toes. - you're going to go to alittle bound angle here, we're going to bring ourknees apart, feet together. - keep com'in.
- oh my god. - keep com'in, slide down. reach your left hand to your left leg. take your right hand off, your hooked. - wait, are your sure? - i'm positive. oh my god that's desperate (laughs)- i'm going to let go, 1, 2, (laughs) 3. ok. ok. ok.(general laughter) ok.
- alright, pull yourself up to a sit. - you're going to slideyour toes all the way up to the ceiling into a shoulder stance.- [cj] oh, what the... - now feet over your toes, on the ground past your head, back up. - back up, yes. - ok, ok here i go. - yep. - here i go.- pull it up.
- here i go.(both laughing) there i go.- [kimberly] yep, yep, yep. (laughs) alright, stand up. i have no idea what that move is. - i'm trying to get out. - [kimberly] you're goingto reach your hand up high. bend your knees, press to your heels. - [cj] oh, this is so easy. - love you cj. no, this is not easy.
- oh sheez-louise... - the grip, it's likeyou've got monkey hands. - [kimberly] and then we'regoing to slowly roll forward. (laughter)that's where we're going. (laughs) - whoa. - (laughs) spin it out. core's working here big time. suck it all the way through. - legs in center.
look at the hips, lift your hips up. - [jacob] oh, god. this is that thing where thejump comes into play again. - yeah, i gotta, my thing... - i gotta readjust. - [kimberly] do your's up. - [cj] ok, i trust you. - so, i'm superman. - [ kimberly] start when you'reready go onto your back...
- this is a hell of a workout. - [ voiceover] how you feeling? - now i fee great. (laughs) - it's to space the vertebrae... - i like this.- [kimberly] yeah. - don't let those hands slide down, pull yourself to a stand, nice. hands up high toward the skyguys, take a deep inhale. on the x over your hands,your prayer, your heart...
the highest in me honorsthe highest in you. thank you guys for flying with me. - namaste...- namaste... - my hands are shot, shot. - it's a good core workout as well. - i feel so happy and like relaxed. - it's definetly fun. it's very, kind of exhilarating. - i'd definitely do it again.
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