north portland yoga
hello, i am dr. heather moore, owner of totalperformance physical therapy. today, we are going to go through a few things if you areexperiencing numbness, tingling, pin and needles in your hand. i want to say this is a veryserious condition. you want to make sure you get it checked out by a healthcare professional.numbness and tingling is usually indicative of a nerve involvement so if you are experiencinganything like that even in a finger, two finger,
north portland yoga, the whole hand, whatever it may be you wantto consult a medical professional to get a properly diagnosed. it can be coming froma number of different sources so you want to make sure that you have all the knowledgethat you can when dealing with this. one of the things you need to concentrate on themost regardless of pins and needles is posture.
whether it is a disc issue, muscle imbalance,muscle strain, nerve entrapment, whatever the case may be you always want to work onyour posture that will help a lot of the conditions or a reason why the condition exist. one ofthe things you can do, is by starting to do simple chin tuck exercises. so you are goingto jut your chin all the way forward then all the way back and then you want to findabout half way in between and you want to stop. this is were your neck should rest forthe day. most people are guilty of having their neck too far forward. this places yourdiscs and muscles at an improper position and sets you up for injury. so if you aresitting at a computer for 8 hours a day with your neck too far forward, you are basicallyherniating your disc 8 hours a day. next exercise,
is shoulder rolls. many people with neck painand pins and needles tend to develop a guarding pattern having your shoulders wind up up after awhile your muscles think, this is were your shoulders are supposed to can to do a couple shoulder rolls, roll them back and drop them down. this is wereyour shoulders should rest. once you roll them up and back and drop them down, thatis were they should rest for the day. doing the shoulder rolls will help loosen the muscleup and help get fluid into the muscle and just help you to relax. these two exercisesyou want to do throughout the day at your desk. whether you set a computer reminderor you just know to do them every couple of minutes. it will allow the blood to get tothe areas that need it. standing or sitting
statically for long period of time does takedamage on your disc, damage on your spine, and damage to your muscles. you want to makesure you are doing everything you can to replenish throughout the day. final exercise is a stretch,the upper trap stretch. you want to grab your head and gently pull it to the opposite sideand you should feel a stretch in through here. if these increases your numbness and tingling,you want to stop and you want to hold off on this stretch until it feels better. youpull it as far as you can until you feel a gentle stretch. if it hurts, stop. if it hurtsback off a little bit, or do not do it at all if increases your numbness and tingling.if you suspect you have a herniated disc or you are experiencing numbness and tinglingin your hands, please call us at 215-997-9898.
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