nude yoga class

00:20tao: i'm 96-years-old and i just dance and do yoga. 00:28comm: tao porchon lynch has been inspiring her students for generations, and has beenrecognised as the world's oldest yoga teacher by the guinness book of world record.

nude yoga class, 00:43tao: nothing's impossible, whatever you want to do in life, just tune in and know thatwithin you is the answer to everything and just don't think about - let anybody tellyou y'know that getting old. 00:58comm: energetic tao was born at the end of

the first world war in 1918, and has beena yoga instructor for the last 56 years. 01:06tao: i've been like this since i was a child, there was so much to do and if we spend outtime just sitting there like this it's not going to help at all. 01:18comm: incredibly tao manages to put people who are decades younger than her through theirpaces at her studio in westchester, new york. 01:26anita: i really wish when i reach her age i will be as young as she is right now, ifeel actually she's younger than me, she's very inspiring for me, she really helped meto change my whole life.

01:40comm: tao also manages to inspire people a little closer to her age. 01:45brenda: as a retired nurse, i saw many people, 96, in bed with a tubs, a feeding tube, unableto talk or walk and she just is just the epitome of strength and energy. her energy is overwhelming. 02:03comm: at the tender age of 85, yao decided that yoga wasn't keeping her busy she took up ballroom dancing. 02:15vard: she's absolutely amazing, like no question doubt about that. she's stunning and a diamondon the floor every time. i honestly sometimes

can't keep up with her anymore. 02:28comm: despite having hip replacement and recently suffering a broken wrist, tao believes herpositive attitude is what keeps her young. 02:35tao: once you put in your mind, anything negative, but every morning i get up, i don't thinkwhat i'm going to do tomorrow, or today, or what i didi yesterday, i think it's goingto be the best day of my life. 02:50comm: and she has some simple advice for people who want to live and long and happy life. 02:54tao: if you really truly believe, don't procrastinate,

don't say i'll do it tomorrow. tomorrow nevercomes.


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