oakland yoga studio
hi my name is ada wells, owner of probalancept & pilates...here's my studio and welcome to my podcast. ok, here's what we're goingto do today...i'm going to make you feel happy with just one simple trick. now, one of thethings that we really emphasize in pilates is posture. why is that so important besideshelping the whole body work to work properly. what you're going to find is that it's mucheasier to hold a smile in an upright posture
oakland yoga studio, versus a slouched posture. so here we go.here's good posture. so good posture...we're going to go ahead and imagine that the pelvisis a set of rings here so if you are actually keeping the pelvis level, we're not juttingthe lower ribs forward...we're keeping that rib right over the pelvic ring. we're imaginingthat we have this little clavicular ring which
is stacked on top of the ribs and on the pelvis.and now create length at the back of the neck...not so much tension that we're stiff, but reallycreating length as though you're a bobblehead. so there is your nice upright posture. sofrom here, go ahead and give me a big smile...ok...now i want you to frown...ok it's actually workfor me to frown there. now, let's sort of assume that slouchy...you know...forward head,you're on your smartphone, you're sitting at your computer posture that happens at theend of the day. ok...let's go ahead and frown...hmmm....you're probably already frowning because it's easierto do right here. now smile...oh...it's work! it's work to hold a smile there. but it isso effortless to hold a smile upright. so with that, think about your posture if youwant to be happier and it's probably one of
the side benefits of when you do pilates isthat yes, you do feel good and it does bring you back to awareness of yourself but beingupright in that good posture is oh so much less work to have to create that smile. untilnext time...keep smiling!
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