ocean yoga
i'm julie branum. now we are coming to a placeon our knees where we can begin some breath work. placing the hands on the thighs andkeeping the eyes open or closed depending on what is comfortable to you, start to noticethe inhale and the exhale of the breath. when we draw the breath in through the nose usingthe muscles of the throat we are accessing our ujjayi breath. so it is important thatwe are mindful of how that inhale is drawing
ocean yoga, into the body and how our body is exhalingand using the muscles of the rib cage to exhale. good. inhale and inflate the abdomen in thelower back. exhale, relax. inhale start to expand the abdomen and low back and draw thebreath further up into the mid-back and exhale completely. on your next inhale inflate andexpand the rib cage until that breath comes
all the way up to the shoulders and the upperback. let's take one more breath here. again like ripples in a lake feeling that breathreach further and exhale completely. good job. thank you.
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