one tree yoga
hello, my name is samantha raphael on behalfof expert village. in this clip i'll be demonstrating tree pose. to begin, stand up tall at thefront of your mat in mountain pose, which just means you're standing up as tall as youcan, all the muscles in your legs are engaged, your chest is lifts, your shoulders are droppeddown, take your hands to prayer position, heart center, and then begin to put a littlemore weight into your left foot. start to
one tree yoga, lift your right leg, hinging at the, if you feel really wobbly already at this point, take your hand against the wall,your left hand. when you're ready, take your right foot into your right hand, or i shouldsay, your right lower leg and place your right foot onto your left inner thigh. continueto stand up as tall as you can, and then place
either one hand, if you're against the wall,or both hands to heart center. keep rolling that right hip open as you ground into theleft foot. try not to grip so much with your toes, see if you can do that. and then whenyou're ready, if you're ready, this may be fine for you, but if you want to challengeyourself a little bit more, with an inhale, lift your arms straight up towards the, if you want a little bit more challenge send your gaze up towards the ceiling as welland hold here for five breaths. when you're ready to come out of it, breath out throughyour nose, take your hands to prayer position, heart center,or one hand if you're againstthat wall, and release your right foot, come back to mountain pose. remember you alwayswant to repeat the same pose on the other
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