one yoga

okay, slowly opening your eyes from whicheverposition you chose. take a deep breath and exhale bringing the hands back into your legand into your belly, and if you have your right leg forward you're going to take yourright hand down. with your left leg forward it'll be your left hand, and you can eitherplace the opposite hand on the floor if you like or on your hip. just focusing on thestretch working the hamstring and inner thigh,

one yoga, dropping the chest toward the knee and headtoward the shin. after you've taken about three breaths from this position you're goingto roll the left shoulder out and lift the arm up. so we are now in triangle. again,you want to look at the hand. if it bothers you you can look forward or even at the floorand just hold this stretch. deep breaths in

exhaling out. with a slight turn out of thatfront leg of your right leg you can get a little bit deeper of a stretch in the innerthigh. i'm thinking about a rope tied to your wrist to the ceiling lifting you up a littlehigher. it will help increase the stretch. so here we are with the triangle.


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