onzie yoga

hey everyone! it's time for my weekly weighin. if you haven't seen my videos before i'm currently doing a weight losschallenge that i'm calling the lose weight or donate challenge. each week i take anarticle of clothing for my closet that no longer fits becauseunfortunately i have gained

onzie yoga, a bit of weight. if at the end of the weeki lose the weight, i get to keep that article clothing. ifnot, i have to donate it. i'll go ahead and put a link in thedescription below to my original informational video and also my weigh innumber one

video where i have some before shots. so let's get right into this week's weigh in. last week i weighed in at 168 pounds and today i weighed in at 166.6 pounds, which felt a little unlucky but i'mhoping that this week will be a good week as well. so last week up for potential donation isthis green sweater with a peter pan lace collar. so, luckily because i lost weight this week, i can keep this sweaterand actually i have to say that i did wear this

at the end of the week because itperfectly. the article that i'm going to put up for next week is this pair black capri pants, like i said, i live in kind of awarmer area so i'll probably be able to get away with these if i fit intothem soon but also i think that they'll actual workreally well with a pair of boots. so hopefully i will be able to lose enough weight this week to be able to wear those pantssoon. so the other thing i want just update youon was how this week went. this week was pretty crazy but

awesome as well. my husband actually rana half-marathon today and he beat his previous record. so that's really exciting. i'm so happy forhim. he ran under an hour and 40 minutes. so that reallyreally exciting. ummm...i have been running but i amnowhere near a half marathon at all and i'm actually training for 5k thati'll be doing next weekend. so hopefully i'll be ableto update you on that. umm...other than that i been enjoying one particular snack this week and that isjust

chips and guacamole but i wouldshare with you because i think that is a really healthy and fairly low calorie snack that youcan have. so just to see the specific brands of chipsand guacamole that i've been eating this week. i've been eating the simple truth natural blue corn tortilla chips. theseare really really tasty. they definitelyhave a funny color because they are this blue color but they'rethere's like a little bit of green in it, which can be terrifying but it's forfourteen chips

140 calories. so, it's like 10 calories a chip, which probably isn't the best. there's probablyother things that you can eat out there that are more low-calorie but i just like the flavor of this. so i usually justtake fourteen chips, put it in a plastic container and thenput that, you know, in my lunch bag and have that for my treat for the afternoon. the guacamole that i've been eating with those chips is this wholly guacamole, 100-calorie minis and they come in this reallyamazing tiny little container. so you can just pop this container into your

lunch bag and then you're pretty muchgood to go for the day. so, like i said this week i'm gonna be training for a 5k. i'm really really excited and actuallyyou can wear costumes to the 5k. i am not sure if i'm going towear a costume or not. my husband's gonna run the 5k too and he's already picked out a costume. so that'll be exciting but i'm not sure if i'm gonna wear costume. we'll justhave to see. i wanna kinda focus more on beating the previous timethat i had which was very very slow time. i have not run a

5k in a race in a really long time,probably like a year-and-a-half or something like that and before, i'veonly run to you before in my whole life so i'm really nervous about just finishing,having a decent time and i think that's going to be enough for me to worry about for this week.other than that, i hope you're having a good week and i will see you next week.


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