origin of yoga

when we thus observe the mind and its functioning,we discover that our every action, (except those motivatedby instinct). is invariably preceded by a thought. thought and action are interlinked. one followsthe other in an unbroken chain.

origin of yoga, if we analyse our thoughts, we willunderstand the 'causes that motivate them. this understanding willhelp us to harness and utilize our mental powers to the best advantage. we will be able to regulate our actions throughthe effective control

of these underlying thoughts. there are mainly six root causes from whichour thoughts emerge: (1) the force of need: (2) the force of habit;(3) the force of environmental conditions; (4) the force ofothers' impositions; (5) the force of heredity; and (6) the force ofthe evolutionary process of divinity. thoughts may be caused by anyone of thesesix root causes or by a combination of two or more of them. a few illustrations from oureveryday life will help us to understand clearly

and precisely howthese six factors cause the emergence of thoughts. such an understandingwill help us to exercise greater control over them; base them on soundmorals if necessary. and make them creative to the greatest possibleextent. this process will streamline our minds andgradually lead us to constant awareness, which is the only wayto permanent peace and lasting happiness.


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