twisters yoga
- you smell nice. - you too. - yeah i know. (pop music) - hi my name is kramer cruz.
twisters yoga, - hello my name is kara anthony. - we had been together for about a year, just over a year. and as the relationship got more serious
obviously she wantedmore and more commitment. i just wasn't really ready to do that. - when i signed up for thisand decided to do this game, i thought, oh it'll be fine, we're still cool, we could work together. but actually the anxiety thathas come about doing this today is a little overwhelming,it's a little somber. - hey my name is quinn knox. - hi i'm leo valez.
- we dated for i guess about six months. things got a little too comfortable and we just decided that it was best not to see each other anymore. - we were very mature about it, so we talked it out, andwe tried to make it work. but once the fire isgone, it's kind of hard to reignite it, and that's something that i think should come naturally.
i hope to at least keep him in my life because quinn's a great guy. to have him involvedwould be a great thing, he's someone i really value. - i don't understandexactly why it broke off. i don't think he does either, but i'm open for new experiences. - [leo] it's all coming back to me now. - [quinn] okay we canjust leave your shoes.
i'm like, ocd. - [leo] conservative start. (laughter) - [kramer] oh, okay good that's easy. oh. - [leo] oh no. spiderman! - do i have to keep this one up? i'll push you over.
- [leo] yeah that's the rule of the, - i feel like i'm doing yoga. - [quinn] you're inching away from me. - i did not do this wisely. - you look so spiderman-ish. (groaning) - okay you did that on purpose. you kicked me. - i knew i was gonna win.
yay! - [leo] oh god. - i don't know that we're gonnabe playing anymore twister. we get very competitive with each other and i think that was oneof the problems maybe. but i don't know it was kind of nice. i mean its... - keeps you on your toes. - i think it's difficult,you know, with relationships
like how you move forward if you stay, if it can continue orif it just breaks off. and so i don't know, forme this confirmed that we still have good chemistry regardless of whatever happens in the future. - like in the beginningi felt some rigidness, you know it was awkward, withthe silence and everything. but as we got into the game,something about the game, the atmosphere of a game at all,
kind of lowered my guard a little bit. - i mean i'd like to thinkthat just being here today and having this experiencecould open the doors for us to just even talkabout it after this. - congratulations for winning. - oh thank you. (happy music)
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