upper back stretches yoga
in this video i talk about how you can stretchout your upper back while you’re burping your baby on your lap, or nursing your baby.upper back problems can really result from the constant strain you’re putting on yourback as you take care of your new baby, through holding her, nursing her, and burping heron your back. so one really great thing to do is to remember to keep your back straightand keep your muscles relaxed. while you’re
upper back stretches yoga, burping your baby on your lap, or while you’renursing your baby, you can also stretch out your upper back muscles. and the way to dothat is to bend your head and to move your head left to right, um, in this fashion. soyou put your head down, you move over to the left, you sort of stretch your muscles out,you just hang your head low. and then you
go and you do it on the other side. and thisis an activity that you can easily do as you see, i’m doing it right now as i burp mybaby. and i’m also going to show you how you can do it while you’re nursing the baby.so here i am, this baby’s not nursing right now, but imagine that i’m nursing her. i’mholding her like this. i’m supporting her on both sides. and as she nurses, i’m justsort of stretching out those upper back muscles making sure that they stay loose and relaxed.remember that back problems can also come from pushing the stroller, although that’smainly lower back problems. and try if you have time to get to the gym to keep all thesemuscles strong so that you won’t be in too much pain as you nurse your baby.
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