urban breath yoga
hello! my name is inma. i practice and teach ashtanga yoga in itinere. i've been practicing for more or less seven years and have been teaching for about three. we practice the primary series of ashtanga yoga, yoga chikitsa. and is characterized because is a form of dynamic yoga in wich we use vinyasa between the postures.
urban breath yoga, vinyasa involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures, using the eyes to focus (drishtis), and the three bandhas that we have. uddiyana bandha is the abdominal contraction. mulabandha, is the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles
and jalandhara bandha is the throat or the chin lock. aside from this, we use ujjayi breathig to createinternal heat. i invite you to come whenever you want to itinere, to try one of my classes. we practice monday and wednesday mornings, and on tuesday and thursday evenings. the classes are about onehour and a half. you are very welcome. thank you and see you soon!
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