what is hatha yoga

hello i'm howard and welcome to this introductionto hatha yoga. what is hatha yoga and how is it different from the other kinds of yogayou may have heard of or practiced before? hatha yoga is perhaps the most common kindof yoga that's taught in the west currently, but there are many other kinds. you may haveheard of ashtanga yoga, vinyasa yoga which a flowing movement based yoga, kundalini yogawhich involves a lot of specific breathing

what is hatha yoga, practices and mantras and mudras and handpositions, bikram yoga which is done in a heated room 26 poses repeated in sequencea few times. hatha yoga however is slightly different; it was first developed by bks lyengarand involves holding poses for a slightly longer periods of time. building up endurance,stamina as well as flexibility and strength.

in the following segments, we'll be exploringsome very basic hatha yoga positions suitable for anyone to begin practicing with. rememberingthat the secret to all yoga is a daily practice. you could practice once a week and that'sgreat, twice a week is twice as good, but if you could do something everyday you'llfind that your progress increases dramatically and the results, again, exponentially increase.so let's have some fun and do some hatha yoga.


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