what is kundalini yoga
kundalini yoga is most powerful and isuseful to activate chakras to do,how to practice kundalini meditation kundalini lotus pose first balance onthe seek remand graft the big toes,how to practice kundalini meditation holding into the big toes raise the legsto a 60 degree angle from the floor and,how to practice kundalini meditation spread them wide without bending theknees engage the navel for balance keep,how to practice kundalini meditation the spine straightapply a constant brew flock hold for two,how to practice kundalini meditation
what is kundalini yoga, minutesbreathing deeply then inhale deeply,how to practice kundalini meditation exhale and apply a strong lock repeatthe strong roof lock breath cycle two,how to practice kundalini meditation more timesrelax thank you for watching this video,how to practice kundalini meditation please subscribe my channel,how to practice kundalini meditation
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