what is yin yoga

hello my name is scott soller, yoga instructoron behalf of expert village. dragonfly, the feet come wide. you want to lift the seatwith your hands come to frontal portion of the sit bones. you want to sit tall on theinhale. eventually exhaling the back of the knees down. again lift that ribs away fromthe hips as you inhale, as you forward fold, slide the hands forward. again, back flator back rounding. this stretches not only

what is yin yoga, the inner thighs but the kidney meridian,the liver meridian as well as the gallbladder meridian are respectively stretched and stimulated.you might try turning the toes back reaching into the arches of the feet, make sure theshoulder blades are relaxing back down the back. when you're ready to release the poseon the inhale we float the chest up, exhaling

and release.


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