what to wear to yoga
why do women wear yoga pants in public? sometimes it is a matter of convenience. youwear the same pants to class as you do to the grocery store. they are so form fitting, though on some formsit is more replusive than others. they are as comfortable as pajamas, withoutlooking lazy. and they can be eye-catching,
what to wear to yoga, without looking slutty in low rise jeans thatreveal thong underwear. and there are people who are so fat that theyshould be prohibited from wearing yoga pants. you should hear that song called "yoga pants". why? is it funny?
it succintly explains why guys should alsobe banned from wearing yoga pants. because, on guys, it looks lewd. on peopleriddled with cellulite, it is just rude. there's another reason women wear yoga pants.it reveals how fit you are. we already said revealing. no, it is like wearing a track suit to thestore. wearing yoga pants is a fashion statement as well as a lifestyle statement, saying thatyou are a hip, healthy, fit person. as long as you look good in them. true. but there are people who will try tolook the part who simply do not fit. like the muffin tops over skinny jeans. ifyou don't fit the part, you look worse than
a square peg sawed off to fit in a round hole. some of those people might benefit from surgery... or a really strict diet. why are there so many designer brands of yogapants? for example, who cares if it is lulumon? it's like guess jeans in the 1980s, the hipbrand to wear. but yoga pants show off your hips, along witheverything else. if you wear yoga pants with an $80 price tag,as the brand name shows, it reveals that you're both stylish and fit. expensive yoga pants only show that you'relightening your wallet. you can't afford poor quality pants. whathappens if they don't bend and flex along
with you? they fall off? or rip. and poorly made pants by a no namebrand are thus a literal rip-off.
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