wilmington yoga center

in any vinyasa flow, you will do sun citations.and i'm going to break this down actually into two parts. and this is the first partof the sun citation. if you haven't watched the previous clip, i highly recommend yougo back and it will break down each of these postures that i'm about to refer to. so whatyou'll do is you start in tadasana or mountain pose with your feet about hip width apart,one foot ten toes if you're a little more

wilmington yoga center, advanced. if you find the easier balance ifhip width apart, lift those toes up and figure out where your weight is. you can either startwith your hands out in regular mountain pose or in anjali mudra which is prayer positionin your heart center. then on an inhale, you slowly scoop your arms up in towards the ceiling.you can touch your hands or just keep them

about shoulder width apart, just depends whereyour range of motion is in your shoulder joints. on an inhale you come up, on an exhale you'llslowly fall to forward. if you can't touch the ground, you can keep your hands on yourshins or on your knees, taking care not to lock back through those knees, really relaxingdown. and on an exhale, come into your forward bend. on an inhale, you're going to slowlyarch up and on an exhale; you'll slowly going to fall forward. on your next inhale, you'regoing to bend those knees if you can?t touch your hands down and push your feet back intoa plank position or high push up position. the important thing to remember about thisis that your toes aren?t too high in the air and that you're actually in an even position.if you feel too much pressure in the hands,

make sure to push weight out through the backsof your heels to give you that nice, even weighted position. also notice where yourhands are. are they sun busted apart? is your fingertips suctioned cup towards the ground?and hold this position for just a moment. and this you'll come to an inhale, open theshoulder blades, let the shoulder blades melt down the back. now the next part of the suncitation, there's two possibilities. if you're just starting out, i recommend doing the firstone. this actually goes knees and slightly drops the pelvis down, keep that core engaged.as you start to bring your chest towards the mat, pull your elbows in towards the ribsand push your heart forward and touch your chest towards the mat. your butt will be inthe air. and then you almost touch your chin,

and then you scoop everything forward, scoopthe heart, for keep those elbows hugged in and come to bhujangasana or cobra. your fingersare still on the ground and keep your chin slightly tucks. feet are resting on the floor.the important point to remember about this is you don't want to look up towards the ceiling;you actually want to look more in front of you. there's a really strong connection betweenthe higher bone in your neck and your navel connection. so if you break that connection,it will be harder to hold this position. so now you're in cobra. coming back for moreadvanced students, when you're in that high push up or plank position, feet pushed out,hands pushed out, you want to have your hands about just in line like you did in table,in line with your shoulders. find the even

part of the weight in your fingers, hug yourelbows in, and bring your body towards the earth, hugging the elbows in. and then slowlypush yourself up, into upward dog. the important part about this, nothing's touching on yourlegs. you're not crunching into your lower back, you're pulling out of your shouldersand you're pushing your heart forward. and you can look a little more towards the ceilingon this one. so that is the first part of the sun citation broken down. and on the nextclip i'll explain the second part.


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