yama yoga

beloved friends namaste we are here with the pose janu sirsasana so you know the dandasana now take all the alignment sit bones onto the ground arches active lower back lift the top of the head towards

yama yoga, the top of the sky and from here take the left foot out this is kind of external rotation hold under the knee area and bring the heel closer closer closer

closer to that inner thigh as much as closer here so once you're here pay attention that you're going to be here but then bring your right hip back so bring your pelvic facing front here now from here lift from the lower back up lift from the heart up and look up gently without compressing the neck when you're going forward

don't go down like that rounding the back its gonna kill you first pay attention to the arch it must be not going here or head must be here the lengthening and go down from the heart go down from the heart go down from the heart and your heart is always lifting up you can stay here you can hold here you can hold here then bring your navel

towards the thigh and gently rest your stomach onto the thigh and enjoy the pose if any problem in the back any problem keep the spine long enjoy thank you


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