yoga chair
elizabeth rose: so, this next pose is justan easy seated twist. i'm demonstrating it in a chair because i know that a lot of peoplespend a lot of time in their chair at the office, and this is something that you cando any time. so, make sure when you're sitting in your chair that your sits bones are planted,your legs are not crossed, and hopefully, if your feet can reach the floor, then yourfeet are on the floor, flat on the floor.
yoga chair, all you going to do is inhale; again, letthe crown of the head rise, keep the shoulder blades melting down on either side of thespine, and you're going to start to twist from the bottom up. so think of twisting throughyour waist. and then the twist moves up through the middle of your back, all the way up throughyour shoulders. you're going to place a hand
on the back of the chair and a hand on theside of the chair or on your knee to push into this twist. as you exhale, the shouldersturn and then very last thing that happens is you look over the shoulder, still risingthrough the crown of the head. notice i'm not slumping, i'm not doing this. i'm sittingup very straight on my sits bones, and then go to the other side, same thing. twistingfrom the waist, through the thoracic spine, and all the way around. crown of the headstill rising and the head is the last thing to turn. you can do this on both sides andremember when you're there to breath in and out through the nose, as many breaths as youfeel comfortable. exhale to come out when you're ready.
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