yoga circle

how to stretch for back pain 2: cat cow stretch.picture a cow in a pasture or a sleeping cat—could their lives be any more relaxed? since stressaggravates back pain, take a cue from these animals and practice this relaxing yoga-inspiredstretch. you will need comfortable clothes and a floor. step 1. get down on your handsand knees. your hands should be pointing forward and aligned underneath your shoulders, andyour knees should be aligned underneath your

yoga circle, hips. step 2. inhale, and slowly arch yourback over a count of 5, dropping your belly towards the floor and raising your head, chest,and tailbone up. don’t overuse your lower back muscles; let gravity do most ofthe work. step 3. hold the stretch for 3 seconds. step 4. exhale, and slowly round your backover a count of 5, dropping your head and

tailbone down and pulling your belly inwardsstep 5. hold the stretch for 3 seconds. to vary the stretch, rotate your midsection ina clockwise circle as you arch up and then down. repeat 5-8 times and then rotate counter-clockwisefor the same number of times. step 6. repeat the stretch 3-5 times in each direction. didyou know americans spend an estimated $24 billion a year on back pain treatments.


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