yoga pants for women

the average size %uh american womendecides 14 but it doesn't really matter to lululemon in companies like lululemonbecause they don't cater to people love that size recently elizabeth licorice who used towork for the company in 2011 i've spoke to the press about howlululemon thinks

yoga pants for women, about have your people a curvier womenand how they usually make their businessdecisions so she said the following: largest size is the tens and the twelveswere relegated to a separate area at the back of thestore left clumped unfolded under a

table now she said that after she mentionedhow all the other sizes were neatly folded they were put aunt aballs and in drawers they were hung up for displaying it looked very nice andlovely in appealing to anyone who is then but anyone who wanted to shop atthe store for have your size would have to go to a moron you know disorganized part inthe store or they wouldn't even have the largersizes available to them so now the question is is a store likelululemon

similar to abercrombie & fitch in theway that they discriminate against have your people up but they're not as overt about it so and should they be allowed to do this imean is that it perfectly acceptable if they don't want to serve are you know up plus size women it's afree country right but a lot of people find offensiveso drop it and this lot of stores and a that the abuse cater to plus size women rightlike lane bryant

yes and and it's a big part the market is interesting it what is they don't goabove size 14 i believe they don't go by above sizetwelve i at least that's what this employee isstating so and and that actually doesn'tsurprise me i'm not giving them a pass on that but that actually doesn'tsurprise me i mean lululemon is all about status and it's all about appearanceswhich is why i don't buy with 11 i have no interest in moulin

you that's the reason why people willingto pay to i mean and i went well i'm obsessed with yoga i go to yogaclass in my neighborhood and every single woman is decked out inlululemon apparel other reason why i'm not into it is because i hate dislikes status thing and i hate like spending a hundreddollars on yoga pants you can buy at target literally for twenty dollars you so so that's my my beef with 11 i'mso do i think that it surprising that theydon't cater to have your people

all know that's it they don't like itit's all about images said is the average size woman inamerica 14 yeah and that number i'm sure we'llcontinue to a group increase because and i'm not saying that this is a bigsize or obese or anything like that but we're getting heavier i mean as a nationas a country were getting heavier that's a big issue right is that amazing lululemon'sother ways to read there's havoc on the fish in there are others who don't go by have size twelve or size14 when the average american woman is a

size 14 they don't even cater to that average iknow that's amazing it's anything and they're hurtingthemselves so i think the supreme court question is guilty or not guilty shouldthey be able to do this and i would argue they can do whateverthe hell they want is a private company but you're gonna suffer the consequences now you're going to do really well inthat you know a city like west hollywood or beverly hills or place words allabout appearances but in the rush to the country i don'tknow how you survived because most

people aren't obsessed with with being so skinny i don't know ithink a lot of people are obsessed with being cool and wearing the stuff that other peoplethat are cool are wearing the problem is you canbe obsessed with it doesn't matter they don't have your sucks quip ap up for a lotta woman so it's aninteresting business model up but i guess i in the end i know thesequestions with that we do this regard are always a little bit i'mgonna vote not guilty

as i v you're voting yet not guilty theycan do whatever they want is a private company


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