yoga pigeon pose
- hey guys, so this pastweek we were working on the single pigeon in class,the restorative variation, the one that's going towork on that outer hip. and so you could be cominginto this from down dog. you might be coming infrom a seated position.
yoga pigeon pose, if you're coming in from down dog, the leg lifting, set thatknee down by the thumb, and then square your hipsforward as much as you can. now, you may need a block under the thigh
if you're a little bit tighter. you don't want pressurein this front knee, right? so if you feel pressurein this front knee, you've got to take a modification, or you've got to do a different pose. if you get this down, youdon't need the block, right? and those that are a little more flexible, you can keep bringing this ankle forward until maybe that shin comes up
and is parallel to the front of your mat. keep your hips squaring forward. keep rolling the back outer hip down, and then fold forward (mumbles) here. you could be on hands. you could be on forearms. you might end up all the way down. then if you're moving onto, so if you feel like this pose, the pigeon, the leg is getting
quite a bit far forward, you feel like it's parallel to the front of your mat, then you can take thispose called dharmasana named after my teacher dharma mittra. you're going to twist toward the foot, hook the elbow in the sole of the foot, and then bring handsto the heart and twist. keep rolling the back outer hip down in the opposite direction.
turn navel, turn heart, andmaybe take your gaze up. then a more advancedvariation of this pose, supporting your cheek,supporting your head with your hand, youcan take the wrap here, reaching around andcatching inside the thigh, and using that to help you roll open into the twist a little bit deeper. what does this pose kind of look like? it's kind of like the lizard, right?
it's kind of like the grasshopper. exact same position, same thingwe're working in the body.
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