yoga pod boulder
the road to a healthier life begins righthere, from one of america's most respected names in medicine: henry ford health system.this is healthy living at henry ford west bloomfield hospital. jimmy rhoades here withdr. michele voeltz who's a cardiologist here at henry ford west bloomfield hospital. anddr. voeltz, who's having heart attacks in america? well, if you look at the prevalenceof heart disease in america, and that's the
yoga pod boulder, number of people who are walking around thiscountry today with heart disease, 52 percent are actually women. really? see now, i findthat surprising; do i have this impression of more men because women are presenting differently,or what? well, women tend to present later in life, they tend to present later in theircourse, and they also tend to present with
atypical symptoms, so only about one-thirdof women will show up with that classic chest discomfort that we think of on tv. and thatmeans that two-thirds of them will have shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, palpitations,or a feeling of impending doom. and does that mean that women are going to the e.r. laterin the heart attack process? absolutely, women tend to seek help about fifteen minutes laterin the process compared to male patients. and that makes a difference. so what can womendo? you've got to modify the modifiable. so there are certain things you can't changelike gender, age, or family history, but there are a number of things you can change, including:blood pressure, cholesterol, use of alcohol or drugs, and of course smoking cessation.okay, well you can find out a whole lot more
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