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you use this x right here to get the... uh-oh. oh my gosh,i just drew on it. hold on. you know what?
yoga porn videos, i'm going to search for a solution. let's see, "video math..." blinzia: (quietly)you're doing a trick. teacher:maybe this guy can help me.
there we go. hey! hey, you! hey, hey. do you think you could help me?i accidentally drew on the screen right here. i don't know what to do. students:oh my gosh. what?! teacher:no, a little bit farther down. right there. yeah, there you go. oh, that's not working.
that's making it worse! um... i'm not sure what to do here. what's that?oh! (laughter)okay, right.... that's just getting the cat dirty. that's not working! (crashing sound) (laughter) alright, oh, okay, try that. oh
that's okay, don't worry about it. oh, you have an idea? oh! okay... yeah, alright. okay, let me try that. okay, go grab that. (laughter) (lightsaber sounds) move out of the way.
let's see if i can do this. there we go! okay, let me move thisout of the way. (laughter) (clapping) move that there. there we go, i think that worked. thanks for helping. oh, oh. yeah, okay... oh, uh...
sorry, i though you... okay. sorry oh, wait a sec... i think the lightsaberwas too hot. (blowing) ah! it's catching on fire!(laughter) there we go!finally got rid of it. alright, thank you very much.
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