yoga san francisco
- what's up everyone, welcometo the yoga with adriene vlog. i'm adriene, and as you can see, i'm on the beautiful beach today. wanted to do just a quick check in cause it's been awhilesince we've done a vlog
yoga san francisco, and i wanted to say hello to you and thank you for all of yourenergy and good conversation. been getting a lot of feedback lately, i think because there'sa lot of change going on,
so everyone's chiming in and i love it. so let's keep it going. hopefully by now you've seenour seven day morning project. it's called rise, i'm reallyproud of it, it's really sweet, and the idea there is to giveyou the tools you need to create a morning ritual ormorning practice that serves you. so, you might not be ableto do all of those videos seven days in a row, buthopefully you can take the downloads and create aroutine that does work for you
and just kind of check in with your body and your breath and yourspirit each morning. i definitely that thathelps create a better day and therefore a better lifestyle. and that's kind of whatwe're going for here, right? find what feels good lifestyle. so, i'm feeling good on the beach today. in the coming monthwe're kind of doing some on the road, yoga on the road, videos,
so you'll see thosecoming up soon this month. some of them are matless,it's like meatless monday, but matless. matless monday, we should do that. some of them are like on the go, so you don't even need your yoga mat, and then some of them are really good, great things for yourliver and stuff like that. so a little bit of balance, a little bit
of something for everyone,you know what i mean, that's what we're going for here. and yeah, really that'sall i have to say today, just wanted to say hello,getting a little vitamin d out here which is so good, soif you are in need of a little sunshine, hopefully youcan find it, and if not, you can cultivate a littlebit of heat on your mat. okay, i'm rambling. love you guys, thank so much,keep the conversation going,
stay true to yourself, andi'll see you on the mat. take care. namaste.
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