15 minute yoga

hi my name is maryann with clever yogaand i'm here to show you how you can use the clever yoga yoga blocks to helpincrease your flexibility so i love using yoga blocks in my yoga practicethis probably my favorite yoga prop to use and maybe it's just becauseof what i use them for but when it comes to doing anything with flexibility that youfeel like you have a hard time holding on possing are you just need a littleextra support yoga blocks are one of the best thing that you can use to help deepin that post and help you stay in that post for just a little bit longer sousing this for the splits you can either place to props to the side of you up highlike this so if you need a little more

help and you want to go higher you can use them on both sides as postto hold on and you can stay upright so you can see how this is extremelyhelpful in this manner and as you move forward in advance into the pose you canturn them to the side and get even lower into the split position now you can alsouse them to prop up your legs or just right under your glute so if i place thaton my glute and sit into it a little bit and then maybe just see where my legssticks out here you always want to make sure you do this very gently and you'redoing it with good form and posturing might put this one right here so i cansit into this a little bit more and it

takes a little bit of easing into it butas you can see i can focus here now and i can even hold on here i can focus onmy breathing i can focus on my spinal alignment and engaging that core while irotate my hips forward and the blocks help support me right here in the splitposition so you can use this for both sides left and right splits as i'm doingnow and you can also use it for center splits so center splits again using mypost if you like to hold onto as you move down into the center splits but if you want you can also prop this up right underneath your legs so i don't know if i go down that far but you can also sit into the blocksso if you're like me and you can't go

down that far because you're not warmedup right now you can just go down as far as you can and then sit your hips backinto the blocks to this is a little bit more of a balanced position you gottakeep that core really tight and nice and upright but i'm feeling that there andthis is really supporting me at the depth of the stretch and i can focus onjust breathing deep into it and just relaxing in to this pose 'cause that'sthe most important thing with yoga poses is if you can relax and breathe deepinto each pose those muscles that tension it'll start to release a lotsooner and so if you can do this on a consistent level you're gonna startnoticing you're practicing your poses go

deeper a lot more effectively than ifyou're just pushing yourself into a kind of fighting that resistance so here's acouple ways that you can use the clever yoga blokcs with your splits and increasingthat flexibility i really love these blocks if you haven't heard of them youcan check them out by clicking the link below or visiting cleveryoga. com


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