3 bridges yoga

and, the next part of our seated asanas isbridge or setu bandha uttanasana. what you'll do if you're just starting out, i highly recommendtaking your strap and tightening it around your legs. so, you're about hip width apart.and, this will help keeping your legs from splaying out. if you're a more advanced practitioner,you probably don't need the strap. scoot your bottom forward and lay down on your mat. asyou start to press up, you'll find where your

3 bridges yoga, feet need to be. either towards your buttocks,if you're more advanced. or, more out. it's wherever you feel you need to be. and, slowlyrise from the hip points towards the ceiling. let your palms press towards the earth. and,also keep your chin slightly tucked. try not to pull back too far. because, that startsto crunch your neck. and, try not to crunch

down too far. because, as you can tell itaffects your speech which will affect your breathing. so, find that middle range. so,you rest on the back part of your skull the occipital of your skull. and, slowly grounddown through your feet and your hands. raise your hips towards the ceiling. and, if you'rea beginner you'll find that your knees want to open. so, it's perfect to have that straptowards. now, push into your hands. again, you may need to tuck your chin just slightly.and, press your hip points up towards the ceiling. remembering to breathe. if you'rea more advanced student and you want to tuck your hands underneath you can. if you've everhad any shoulder issues or any chronic shoulder issues, it's important to avoid this. unless,it's something you know how to respect and

honor. and, you know where your limits are.and, then slowly open your hands back out. you're going to roll down from the top ofyour spine, vertebrae by vertebrae down to the bottom. as you hit the bottom and yoursacrum hits, one thing i like to do to stretch the back out the opposite way is to arch myback tail bone down towards the earth. and, it arches and stretches out the back. and,that is bridge pose.


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