3 people yoga poses

navasana in a boat pose, is another one ofthose poses that's a lot of fun to do with more than one, two, or three people. so, wecan do this with as many people as you like. it becomes a little bit challenging. carrie'sgoing to help us here. so, we're going to turn, to where we're facing each other, andwe're going to bring our knees out wide this time, so that you're touching the person'snext to you, tootsies, there, yeah. and, we're

3 people yoga poses, going to reach your hands out to the side,grabbing on to the wrists. good. this parts really good. we're going to lengthen up throughthe spine and engage our core. it gets a little tricky when you start to lift. one foot ata time, maybe. yeah, and then lift the other. good, and just breathing here, lengtheningyour spine, drawing your belly button into

your spine. good relaxing through your shoulders,lifting your heart right through. try to lengthen that spine and just breath.


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