8 limbs of yoga

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 calibri;}} {\*\generator msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qj\lang9\fs36hi, i'm paula moore the chiropractor and i'm going to show you a sciatica leg pain reliefexercise. it should be know that the majority of people who come to see me as patients whohave been diagnosed with sciatica, don't have true sciatica. they do have leg pain thatis mimicking sciatica. in other words, it

8 limbs of yoga, is running through the buttocks and down thethight, right down to the ankle but it stems from a different place. it's not the sciaticnerve. it is from a tight muscle in the buttocks, known as the piriformis muscle. it clampsdown over the sciatic nerve giving you sciatic-like symtoms. \paryou chiropractor can tell the difference between

these two. true sciatica and a piriformismuscle problem. i'm going to show you a stretch to get rid of the piriformis muscle problemand the resultant leg pain. if you do this stretch and notice your leg pain startingto decrease, you probably didn't have true sciatica and that's great, because sciaticais harder to treat. \par so you want to sit fairly close to the walland swing your legs up so your heels touch the wall. if you leg pain is on the left,then take your left ankle and place it over your left knee. now some of you might findthat this position is already very difficult to get into because your piriformis musclehas become very tight. if you want to increase the stretch, shuffle up closer to the wallwith your buttocks. if you want to deepen the stretch

yet again, slide your right foot down thewall so that your knee is bent. you can increase the stretch by gently bringing the left kneetoward your opposite shoulder. that is the perfect position to lie in for the next sixtyseconds using your breathing to relax. \par do the stretch on both sides, even if yoursymptoms are only on the left, as you need to stay symmetrical. 60 seconds on both sides.remember to increase the stretch by pulling your knee gently toward the opposite shoulderor by sliding the opposite leg down the wall. \parany questions please send my an email to posture videos.com. thanks for watching.\par\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f1\fs22\par }


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