advanced yoga poses
so now you've done all these back bendingactions and by now you maybe feeling that you're very energized and very stimulated.ustrasana or camel pose or urdhva dhanurasana, just a slight variation we did on the notice you feel very stimulated and that's natural. so when you do this kind of postures,take time to also come out of them and feel essence and more repose. this will take alittle bit of doing. not very much, i'm just
advanced yoga poses, going to show you very simple one. takingthe feet, hip wide, bringing the buttocks to the wall and bringing the chair towardsyou and just rest bringing the head down to the arms. this is the way to rest the back.and now you bend the legs slightly, rest your head. okay. turn your chair around. sit crosslegged on your mat. this is the way to release
the lower back and give you little bit ofthe counteraction of the poses you've just done. bring the hands unto your chair, bringyour forehead down, relax your shoulders, allow the lower back to soften, to if you can hold that about five minutes, resting and then take your freshener. thankyou for sharing this time with me. enjoy your heart opening poses.
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