amrita yoga
thanks aditi for meeting with us todaywe’re quite excited to do this video with you before we start actually, would you like some tea or coffee?coconut water okay fine, we can do that!okay, so what do you want this video to be about?i don’t know, you tell me..
amrita yoga, okay, we were thinking about your know..your past.. you know, how they have shaped know how aditi rao hydari’s past.. why past?as in you know, people are curious about your life and how you grew up and thethings that have been a part of your life
no, i mean why past?why not the present? you know, we are so hung up with our pasti’m sure my past and my relationships have shaped me as you saybut isn’t it all about today and how i live now? don’t you think as women or as people in general we dwell too much over our history,our regrets, our mistakes, our heartbreaks and somewhere we forget to love ourselves,for who we truly are and i specifically say as women, because wetend to play our bygone life over and over in our headslike a movie on loop not realising that this moment is gettingover
i’ve decided not to be a product of whatis written or read about me because i have the power to choose, who iwant to be i don’t silence that incessant mind chatterinside of my head i cherish my craziness and i’m deeply protective of that 5 year old inside of me i live every moment believing it’s the most beautiful so how can my story be just about my past? in fact, why can’t my story or anybody’sstory, for that matter, still be in the process of being written since i’m in the process of..well, becoming
like every woman i believe, i’m my biggest celebration wow! okay, that was inspiring within itself, we should do a video about thatya! if there was a visual representation aboutcelebrating yourself as you say what would that be? dance, i think okay, let’s make a video with you dancingthen sure, let’s dance!
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