anusara yoga

from table pose, take your hands directlybeneath your shoulders. spread your fingers wide apart and then expand your breath, soyou get soft on the inside. soft and bright. good. then, make your hands more firm. yourtoes tuck under. make your feet active. and, then lift your knees and lift your hips andstretch back in downward facing dog. in downward facing dog, lift your right leg up into thesky. good. so, as soon as you take one part of the foundation away you have to hug inmore effortful through the other parts of your foundation. so, now both your hands andyour left foot. you can claw the floor with your fingertips. engage the muscles of thearms and draw energy up the arms and into the heart. do the same with your left leg.engage the left leg, engage the right leg

even and hug the legs to the mid line. so,it's like you are squeezing the legs together. but, then let the skin get soft and the breathget soft. and, extend from inside the heart down through the arms back through the hipsand through the legs. and, then release the right leg to the floor and then we'll takethe second side. lift the left leg up. make the foundation of the pose stable, steadywith effort. and, then from that effort make more surrender more softness inside of yourheart. and, from the heart extend down through the arms and stretch back through the hips.and, then release the leg all the way down and you can bend the knees and come back toseated position.


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