basic yoga

i'm linda black here to show you warrior threeposition. this is a more difficult, so we've got some modifications. stepping forward againwith the right foot to your right hand, you'll place the hands as if you're coming into warriorone, but then shift the weight forward onto that right leg lifting the back heel hip heightas you straighten out the front leg. you can leave the hands here for support. really lengthenout through the spine. crown the head coming

basic yoga, forward. or you can bring the hands in jetairplane like gentry's showing. very nice. palms facing the side, the trunk, knees facingthe floor, hips are square, beautiful. another step is to bring the arms forward into a fullwarrior three position or a t, sometimes as it's called. extend the energy as we spokeof before, in two directions, like there's

a tug of war. someone pulling you forwardand someone pulling you back right from the center. keep the abs lifted and stay out ofhyper-extension by pressing into the ball of the foot and lifting the toes. that's greatenergy. step all the way back, bring the hands to the thigh again, and step into downwardfacing dog. we'll repeat that on the second side. left foot forward again, ease into it,hands on the thigh, shift the weight onto the left leg, and lift the right heel, keepthe hips square and go into any variation. we'll end here in warrior three.


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