beginner yoga routine
in this series, we'll be practicing gentleyoga. we'll be focusing on some basic yoga postures, and gentle stretches. we'll alsobe balancing that out with some strength postures, in order to balance out the flexibility posturesas well. the word yoga comes from the sanskrit word, meaning union. which represents theunion of mind and body that we ultimately hope to achieve through yoga. and our breathcan help us achieve that union. so we'll be
beginner yoga routine, starting our series with some basic abdominalbreathing, moving through the postures, some warm up, and ultimately, finishing with ourrelaxation. it's always important, also, to listen to your own body when you're practicingyoga, not pushing yourself too far. listening to the internal signals that your body mightbe telling you at any given moment. so we'll
be going through some modifications to demonstratethose modifications that can be taken with straps, and blocks and so forth.
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