bird of paradise yoga
from either upward dog or child's pose, thelocust pose is going to work on spinal flexibility and increase integrity into the low back andgluts. we're going to come down and beginning the movement with hands right underneath theshoulders, just let them relax to your side. put your head in line with your spine, takinga deep breath and first begin by lifting your toes and then your arms and maintaining thatintegrity of head in line with the spine. now as you see where you can hold neutralfrom the energy. let the energy lift through the top of the head and if you can reach backhere with your hands, come up and release. just let your head fall to one side. shouldersinto the mat. again, head square with the floor, in line with the spine, bring yournavel in towards the spine just like you got
a bowl sitting on top of your pelvis and youdon't want it to spill or tip. again, active arms, active legs leave your feet in neutral,don't hyper point or flex and then reach your hands behind you if you can or you can justleave them by your side, and through the top of your head strengthen, contract and release.let your head fall to one side. hands underneath your shoulders and release your hips backtoward your heels, head to the mat in child's pose and roll through spinal flexion and extension.just make sure on that, that you don't arch in the back that you're thinking of elongatingthrough your spine whenever you practice locust.
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