dog yoga

now that our backs are a little more warmedup than they were before we are going to go for the biquitis(phonetic) down dog and iknow that is a scary prospect for some people especially when you have chronic pain in yourback but i have a way to work up to down dog that is going to make you feel really is going to help your back a lot and it is going to make you not scared any more oftrying down dog. so this pose is called half

dog yoga, dog and you do it against the wall. you cando it anywhere you want. all you're going to do is bring your feet into your tadasanaright under your hips and you're going to try to judge your distance from the wall asbest you can but you can adjust once you get into the pose. from here all you're goingto do is put your hands on the wall. we are

going to come to a 90 degree angle with ourbody, 90 degrees from here to here as close as we can. the trick here in this half dogis to press your palms into the wall and reach your tail bone back behind you so that you'reengaging all the way through the spine and you're lengthening, see the crown of the headis still reaching forward and the tail bone is reaching away, palms of your hands arepressing into the wall. again we are going for 90 degrees. i don't want to be like thisbecause then i am going to over extend. find the place where you are comfortable, get someoneto check your position if you are unsure and this is your half dog. when you are comfortablewith your half dog you move into practicing down dog. come on to the floor, into yourtable top, tucking the toes, exhaling and

lifting up into down dog, releasing the heelsinto the floor, fingers are spread, palms are flat, shoulder blades are wrapping around,inhaling, lifting the tail bone up, exhaling and releasing through the crown of the head,stay as long as you are comfortable, release when you are ready and we're almost done.


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