downward dog yoga

i'm linda black here to show you how to doa downward facing dog and transitioning into a high plank position ready for a chatarangain our next clip. so to help me with that, debbie, gentry, coming on to your hands andknees let's turn the toes under and press the hips high to the sky into downward facingdog. this is as much like an upside down v so that the heels are pressing towards thefloor but at the same time we are lifting up out of the ankles so we don't want to findthat collapsing. can you show them a collapse in the ankles? that would be an outer rotation.keep it nice and strong. beautiful. lifting the thigh long towards the back wall, yeaand you get a nice stretch through the shoulders, beautiful. from this downwards facing dogi'll have you glide into high plank, taking

the hips and evening them out with the might need to shift the weight back a little bit and then on your exhale lift thehips and come back into downward facing dog. we will repeat that four times, inhaling intoa high plank position, shoulders steady, natural relaxation of the heart melting towards thefloor, keep the hips high, exhale back in a downward facing dog. very nice, inhale,high plank, easy. exhale downward facing dog, very nice. bring the knees to the floor hereon an inhale. after you have done four complete rounds press the hips back in a child's poseand take a needed rest.


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