empower yoga

- hey everyone and welcome to yoga with adriene. i'm adriene, and today i have a very special vlog for you with a very special announcement. (fake trumpeting) i'm thrilled, honored, excited, inspired,

empower yoga, so, so, so happy to announce that we are kicking off the new year with a very special program and you're invited. it's called revolution, and it's 31 days of yoga.

(light music) so each year we come together as a community to kick off the year with intention. we have some fun. we make sure to keep it light and really supportive. so a lot of times we put a lot of pressure on the new year to really transform and get fit, and that's really great, but we're not actually connecting to our spirit or our soul

and so it's not a sustainable practice that lasts throughout the whole year, or perhaps, as i mentioned last year with yoga camp when we really started to focus on the way we speak and the way we think in addition to the physical aspect of yoga, there's this issue of going through the motions, hitting your squad goals, but then still waking up and looking in the mirror and maybe not liking what you see

or not having as healthy relationship with yourself. so revolution is all about taking a look at that, your relationship to yourself, and i feel like the relevance of yoga in our world right now is super rich, and so with revolution, we have an opportunity to not only get swol and ripped and healthy in the physical body, but to really make sure that our inner ecosystem is rocking as well.

all right, so revolution is for all levels, all bodies, all types, all moods. it changes every day just like we change every day asking you to really be present. that's the goal. to be present. so go on over and sign up now so you're in the system. this will help with the accountability but it'll also just get you excited because you'll get a downloadable calendar.

you also get signed up for my daily email from me, and the email component is a huge part of this practice. so on the mat we're going to work hard. there's some yummy days toowhere we keep it soft and chill, so you should definitely stick with the 31 days too because that last week is really special. i just got done shooting that now, so i can tell you that last week is rich. but the daily email is an important component

because it talks about the ways in which we can take the practice off the mat and into our everyday. so often the way you act on your mat is the way you act off your mat, or the things you struggle with on your mat are the things that, yes, indeed, you struggle with off the mat. but sometimes we have a hard time connecting the two, so in the email, it's just a really loving way of

stoking that fire and that conversation, seeing if we can connect the two worlds and unite as one. all right, so i think that's it for now. get signed up. once you get in the system, then there's a video, another video from me, haha surprise, with more details and information and all the good stuff.

i cannot wait to share this experience with you. thank you so much for being a part of this community. jai and namaste.


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