gratitude yoga

yoga gratitude challenge starts in 1 week!first things first, what is gratitude? we all have kind of a vague idea that it meansbeing thankful, appreciating what you have, but when you stop and try to come up witha definition of what it means to you, that’s when it becomes a concrete idea that you canactually put into action. for me, gratitude means acknowledging thegood that exists in the world and appreciating

gratitude yoga, that someone or something else intentionallychose to benefit me in some way. but why do we need to set aside a specificactivity to practice gratitude? isn’t it enough to just acknowledge good things asthey happen? well, it’s easy to slip into a mindset where you appreciate a good thingfor a little while when it enters your life

and then the feeling fades and you start lookingfor the next thing, and the next thing. and then, no matter how much you have, you’restuck in this cycle of dissatisfaction. when you stop to reflect and practice gratitude,you set up a cycle of satisfaction no matter how little you might have. so this yoga challenge is a way to jumpstarta habit of practicing gratitude. all the ideas and tasks that i’ve put together for thischallenge come from thousands of scientific studies that have shown that practicing gratitudeis one of the most reliable ways to improve your happiness, quality of life, mental andphysical health, your relationships, and your resilience to negative or stressful events.and best of all, that gratitude is a skill

you can develop with practice. so this isyour chance to practice! starting one week from today, i’ll posta quick video each day for 10 days leading up to thanksgiving with an intention and mantrameditation to keep in mind for that day and a small task to put the intention into actionand to help you turn gratitude into a habit. to do this challenge, just set aside 3 minutesevery morning to watch the video and get your intention and activity for the day.make sure you’re subscribed to me on youtube so you actually see the videos. you can benotified when i post the videos by clicking the gear icon next to the subscribe buttonon my channel and checking the box that says send me notifications. you can also followme on social media: @ronaelisa, but the surest

way to make sure you see the videos is subscribingon youtube. i’ll be doing the challenge right alongwith you, so i’d love it if you share your experiences and thoughts in the comment sectionsof each videos and that way everyone can get even more inspired by hearing each other'sexperiences. if you know someone else who could benefit from doing this challenge orto have a buddy to keep each other on track, send them this video and remind them to startin a week! i’m really excited to do this challenge together and to come out of it feelingmore grounded and aware of how good life really is and how much we all have to be gratefulfor. thanks so much for watching this video. ifyou're going to join me for the yoga gratitude

challenge, click thumbs up or leave a commentbelow to let me know. make sure you're subscribed and share this video with anyone else youwant to join the challenge. lots of love and i'll see you in a week for day 1 of the yogagratitude challenge.


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