half moon yoga
so why should we practice ardha chandrasana,half moon? well, we also get all the benefits from the first standing pose, tadasana ormountain pose, which i mentioned before; balance, groundedness, strength in the legs, lengtheningof the spine, opening of the chest for breathing. but in addition to that, because we're archingthe spine laterally on both sides of the body, we're opening up those spaces between thevertebrae on each side. we're also lengthening
half moon yoga, the arms and strengthening the arms, particularlyif we're coming into temple posture, but even when we do this variation. we're also gettinga good massage for the organs and a squeeze to the organs to the side that we've archedto. so everything on the right side when we're in the pose arching to the right gets a squeeze,and toxins are pressed out so that when you
come back to mountain pose, fresh oxygenatedblood can flow into the organs. same thing on the left. and as you breathe, you're alsogetting a good massage to your heart and lungs. so there are many benefits to ardha chandrasana,half moon.
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