harmony yoga

we are going to start with a seven breath"om." "om" is spelled o-m but it sounds like a-u-m "aum."singing and chanting "om" thesound means "i am." it's also the original sound of the universe. if all the sounds wereheard together, all at once of the whole world, in the whole universe, that is what it issupposed to sound like- an "om." there's no rules for the tone or pitch that you do it,but the reason we do it is to increase our

harmony yoga, immunity. and also our energy. so it's a niceactually centering; to center our energy and our spine. and when you do the "om" it vibratesyour bones and actually all of your tissues. so we just exhale completely. you can sit;i'm sitting in padmasana which is full lotus. but you can just sit in a "criss-cross" likean "applesauce... criss-cross/applesauce"

or indian pose; just cross your legs and finda nice triangular pose and posture. sitting up straight but not scrunching your shoulders.so pull your shoulders down. your chest comes up and you want to make sure that you arepushing your lower back forward so that you are not pinching your spine or anything. letthe energy flow come up and down your spine, all the way through your cerebral spinal fluidfrom your brain and down. and we exhale completely; you can just shake out your hands. i'm doingthe symbol of wisdom. but you don't have to, you can just let your hands relax in a spotwhere your shoulders can relax and your elbows are right under your shoulders. take a deepbreath in; close your eyes and just let it go out your nose. the next inhale...get readyto just use your voice. don't worry how it

sounds; loud or quiet, let it come open. letyour jaw drop. and when you say the "m" close your mouth, touch the tongue to the roof ofyour mouth like the "l" but say the "mmm." and you'll feel the vibration in your teethand all the way through your brain and all the way through your bones. so that's whyit's important to close your eyes so you can just feel it vibrating in your chest. if you'dlike, you can put your hands onto the heart to feel that vibration; or just leave themhere for that vibration. and again, take a deep breath in; get ready. remember: seven"om's."


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